/Nieuws: November Shopping
Written by Marenne Hoeksema on November 25th, 2014.
I’ve bought a scandalous amount of stuff in the past month or so. Lovely materials but also machines that will make creating a large quantity of stock much less effort some! Here’s what I bought:
- Many beautiful papers!
- I’ve designed some press and/or melting boards for synth-rope-binding and had them lasercut from MDF. I also bought a lot of rope.
- I bought some cloth to complete my color palette and some new synthetic cloth called ‘Balacron’ to experiment with. I bought lots of index cards, thick printing paper and zip-lock bags. I’ve also bought some fabrics and a material called misty-fuse to create my own book cloth with synthetic fabrics.
- Second hand items last but not least: I bought a perforator with adjustable 8mm punches and a stack-cutter (that will arrive tomorrow). I’ve also bought a printer that turned out to be faulty but the sellers happened to have another one that turned out to be just as faulty. I managed to combine the two into one perfectly working a3 duplex laser printer!