/Portfolio: Holiday Cards 2017
Written by Marenne on December 31st, 2017 | Posted under /No Books.
Every year I make a limited edition set of holiday cards with a technique I learned that year. This year, I made 30 cards, representing a window looking out on an abstract snowy landscape.
“The art of marbling has both frustrated and fascinated artists for centuries.” That is a line in the intro to The Ultimate Marbling Handbook by Diane Maurer-Mathison. And she is right. For the past year I have been doing my very best to master this craft but I am not nearly satisfied. But the book also tells the reader to let the medium guide them. With this in mind, I used the technique to create my 2017 Holiday Cards.
I made snowflakes out of clothespins and stamped them onto the back of the cards with some white acryl paint.